Do It Yourself

All-Around Natural Cleaner

In my previous post, I talked about my natural cleaning spray for the bathroom. Now, I will share a couple of recipes for all-around household cleaning. All-Around Cleaner using Vinegar: 1 cup distilled white vinegar 1 cup distilled water 5-10 drops of essential oil (lavender or peppermint) Instruction: Mix all the ingredients in a 16oz… Continue reading All-Around Natural Cleaner


My Top 20 Oldies but Goodies Song Hits

I am an old soul. I love listening to my dad's iPod filled with music from the 40s up to 70s.  Sometimes if I want to take a break from listening to pop music, I grab my dad's playlist, put on the speaker, and I just let the music reveal my inner Aretha Franklin 😀 Old… Continue reading My Top 20 Oldies but Goodies Song Hits


Healthy Clean Eating Restaurant in Manila

One of the many things every couple enjoys doing together is eating out. My husband and I have a similar taste when it comes to food. We also love to challenge our palates and see how diverse and adventurous it can get. So, finding a restaurant to satisfy our cravings is never an issue. The… Continue reading Healthy Clean Eating Restaurant in Manila